

ثبت‌نـام در فیـس نـما facenama.ir

ثبت‌نام در فیس نما facenama.ir

Certified Site Metrics are metrics that are directly-measured from the website instead of estimated. The website owner has installed an Alexa Certify Code on the pages of their site and chosen to show the metrics publicly.

For the website owner Certified Metrics provide:
  • A more accurate Alexa Rank
  • A private metrics Dashboard for On-Site Analytics
  • The ability to publish unique visitor and pageview counts if desired

Certified Metrics are available with all Alexa Pro plans.

Not all websites implement our on-site analytics and publish the results. For these sites, we show estimated metrics based on traffic patterns across the web as a whole. We identify these patterns by looking at the activity of millions of web users throughout the world, and using data normalization to correct for any biases.

The more traffic a site gets, the more data we have to calculate estimated metrics. Estimates are more reliable the closer a site is to being ranked #1. Global traffic ranks of 100,000+ are subject to large fluctuations and should be considered rough estimates.

If a site has Certified Metrics instead of estimated, that means its owner has installed code allowing us to directly measure their traffic. These metrics have a greater level of accuracy, no matter what the ranking.

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How popular is facenama.com?

Alexa Traffic Ranks

How is this site ranked relative to other sites?


Global Rank

Global rank icon 699 106

Rank in Iran

Iran Flag 8  

Alexa Traffic Ranks
The global and country traffic ranks show how popular a site is relative to other sites.

Unique Visitors and Pageviews
The number of people who visit this site and the number of pages they view. Site owners who install the Alexa Certify Code on their website can choose to display their Certified Metrics, such as Monthly Unique Visitors and Pageviews, if they wish. Coming soon, estimated metrics will be displayed for many sites if Certified Metrics are not available.

Audience Geography
The audience geography data describes where visitors to this site over the past month are located, and how the site is ranked in popular countries. If a country is not listed, it is because Alexa does not have enough data for this site to rank/measure the site's popularity among that country's online population. These metrics are updated monthly.

Monthly Unique Visitor Metrics

Past 30 Days — Last Updated June 07, 2015

Country Estimated Unique Visitors Estimated Visits Estimated Pageviews
United States FlagUnited States Advanced Plan only Advanced Plan only Advanced Plan only

Data for this site available in the Advanced plan. Upgrade to view

Audience Geography

Where are this site's visitors located?

Visitors by Country

Country Percent of Visitors Rank in Country
Iran Flag  Iran 95.7% 8
Afghanistan Flag  Afghanistan 0.6% 116
United States Flag  United States 0.6% 29,818

How engaged are visitors to facenama.com?

Bounce Rate

11.30% 32.00%

Daily Pageviews per Visitor

5.11 25.62%

Daily Time on Site

5:07 14.00%

How engaged are visitors to this site?
Engagement metrics help you understand how interested a site's visitors are with the site's content. The metrics are updated daily based on the trailing 3 months.

Bounce Rate (%)
Percentage of visits to the site that consist of a single pageview.

Daily Pageviews per Visitor
Estimated daily unique pageviews per visitor on the site.

Daily Time on Site
Estimated daily time on site (mm:ss) per visitor to the site.

Where do facenama.com's visitors come from?

Search Traffic

What percentage of visits to this site come from a search engine?

Search Visits

8.40% 38.00%

Top Keywords from Search Engines

Which search keywords send traffic to this site?

Keyword Percent of Search Traffic
  1.  فیس نما 8.85%
  2.  شبکه اجتماعی 5.25%
  3.  آگهی رایگان 3.30%
  4.  فیس 1.73%
  5.  فیسنما 1.46%
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The percentage of traffic, both free and paid, that come to this site from a search engine over the past 3 months, updated daily. The change number shows the difference versus the previous 3 month period.

Top Keywords from Search Engines

The table shows the top keywords that sent traffic to this site from major search engines over the past 6 months. The list is updated monthly.

Upstream Sites

Upstream sites are sites that people visited just before they visited this site. Note that this list is not the same as referrals from upstream sites. There is not necessarily a link between the upstream site and this site.

Upstream Sites

Which sites did people visit immediately before this site?

Site Percent of Unique Visits
  1.  google.com 10.5%
  2.  popupads.ir 3.9%
  3.  popmaster.ir 3.0%
  4.  mihanwebads.com 1.5%
  5.  irpopup.ir 1.1%
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Where do facenama.com's visitors go next?

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  • - The top 10 sites visitors went to next.

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Downstream sites are sites that people visit immediately after visiting this site. Note this does not necessarily mean that people are directed to the downstream site by this site

What sites link to facenama.com?

Total Sites Linking In

Site Page
1. google.com plus.url.google.com/url?q=http://facen...
2. facebook.com https://m.facebook.com/
3. wikipedia.org fa.wikipedia.org/wiki/علی_دایی
4. wikia.com boombeach.wikia.com/wiki/Thread:22389
5. googleusercontent.com icl.googleusercontent.com/?lite_url=ht...
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Upgrade to view all 13,283 sites linking in

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  • - Get the full list of sites linking in for any site.
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  • - See who is linking to your competitors.

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view all 13,283 sites linking in.


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The "Sites Linking In" count shows the number of sites that Alexa found that link to this site. For more information please see this explanation of how Alexa determines the number of sites linking in.

The complete list of sites linking to this site is available to Alexa Pro subscribers.

What sites are related to facenama.com?

Where do visitors go on facenama.com?

Subdomain Percent of Visitors
facenama.com 99.50%
up.facenama.com 0.86%
agahi.facenama.com 0.63%

The table shows the top subdomains for this site ordered by the percentage of visitors that visited the subdomain over a month. Note that the percentages can add up to more than 100% because a visitor can visit multiple subdomains during the month.

Updated Monthly.

How fast does facenama.com load?

Fast (1.156 Seconds), 63% of sites are slower.

The reported load time for a website is the median time it takes to load pages from that site in a real users' web browsers.

Alexa takes the median of all the page load times we observe for a site and then compares that to the same figure for all other sites. For example, a site in the 98th percentile (Very Fast) has a median load time faster than 98% of all measured sites, while a site in the 2nd percentile (Very Slow) loads more quickly than only 2% of all sites and is slower than 97% of all sites.

The load time of an individual page is how long it takes for the DOM - the structure of the page - to be loaded. This time doesn't include the time to load all images and stylesheets, for example.

The load time metric is updated monthly.

Where can I find more info about facenama.com?

شبکه اجتماعی فیس نما

Site Description

شبکه اجتماعی فیس نما برترین شبکه اجتماعی ایران می باشد و کاربران قادر به ساخت پروفایل , ایجاد گروه , ارسال عکس , ارسال مطلب , ایجاد نظرسنجی , شرکت در بخش پرسش پاسخ , کسب درامد , ایجاد وبلاگ , انتشار ویدیو می باشند

How did facenama.com look in the past?


Contact information is not available.

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Site Description

A short description of the site.


How to contact the owner of the site.

Who visits facenama.com?

Audience Demographics

How similar is this site's audience to the general internet population?


Internet Average
Below Above


Internet Average
No College
Some College
Graduate School
Below Above

Browsing Location

Internet Average
Below Above

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